Thursday, February 17, 2005

Response to Comments

Yes, at times my spelling or typing may be less than perfected. However, I never disrupted other's education by spelling poorly. Nor do I think crimes reported would then cause crime to be ended in Grand Terrace.

What I do think is: The Government should make public all public records including meetings with developers, and planners. There is nothing in Government operations that should be considered "Private" other than the social security numbers of employees. I think the City of GT should let the citizens of GT park motor homes on their property. Now if a person parked their motor home on their neighbors yard, that would be another thing.

As for the criminal element in our community, their activities should be known by parents, teachers and all of us wanting to protect ourselves and our property. In addition, the criminals and the non criminal who may be arrested and jailed should want his or her whereabouts to be known. There are political arrests in this country. Not reporting all arrests, bookings, and logged calls promotes an opportunity for people to go missing, crimes under investigated and abuse of power.