Saturday, February 26, 2005

Good Things at the Meeting

It is great to see that the citizen's vote on having a mayor was supported as being the voice of the population, by Some of the Council. One must question the motives of those wishing the citizens had not made such a change.

If there is a standard definition as to what a mayor does in a city formed such as Grand Terrace is, that should be the type of mayor we start off with. This is the working definition of a mayor. Any changes of that definition would be questionable under the current council and city manager's status with the citizenry.

Limiting or enhancing the function of the mayor should be done after the next election or as part of a wide public vote, if each change is listed independently on the ballot.

Publish on the internet or as an insert the current definition of the mayor job, and as an elected mayor under the standard code, then list possible changes or modifications the citizens may want to consider to put on the ballot. Clearly the current Council Members and City Manager have a vested political interest.