Saturday, April 30, 2005

The "Brown Act" online May or MUST

Debate on Open Meetings, and Citizen Participation, Comments and Consultation Continued: Please don't hide behind the Brown Act's "May"

The City Council is trying to define its powers, and practices. There are those who want to continue with closed negotiations, contracting and back room deals. They have taken the tact that each time the Brown Act says that a meeting "may" be held in a closed session that means it "MUST" be held in closed session. This is wrong. How many of the back room meetings could have been held in public, IF the council desired to be open and held open to the light of day in its negotiations. YES this statement is for the Redevelopment Agency Meetings ALSO.

You can read the Brown Act for your self. This is the same place the charges are detailed on the arrest reporting. Perhaps this link would work better from this place you can look at all the sections of the California Code.