Monday, April 04, 2005

Simple Solution to Traffic "Problem"

Traffic concerns for the typical Grand Terrace Citizen include the speed at which the drive through traffic proceeds through town. These temporary visitors seldom slow down enough to know what businesses are in Grand Terrace let alone shop in our town. These same folks speed through residential and commercial areas during the same hours our children are in their commute to and from school.

The simple solution to the traffic problem in Grand Terrace is slow down all traffic to 25mph throughout the entire city. We have a small town, slow down and enjoy it. For all those who fail to get off the speed, well they can pay for speeding tickets. There is no need to speed up to 40 mph when there is a light or stop sign at nearly every intersection now. (There was a time Barton Rd, and Mt. Vernon was the only stop sign on either of the main roads in town, and 40 mph may have been a reasonable speed.)

If the speed limits were lower than the average freeway speed perhaps the drive through traffic will stay on the freeway. Local residents would also be able to use Light Electric Vehicles to do their shopping and errands around town. We could add to the quaint factor by slowing down the race through town. This may attract people to stop, shop, and relax in town.

This is at least an idea, Steve Berry when asked by the press offered none.