Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bringing Children to the Protest... Puts them in the Middle


The school board has not put the Children in the Middle of the Name Controversy. The Parents who bring them to angry rallies and speak with disdain about the School Board, Teachers, and other authority figures bring their children to the Middle of the Argument.

Now, each of these parents must assume the responsibility of discussing and acting with intelligence and precise information when exposing their children to social issues. It is important for children to learn to address the elected officials in their community. It is also important for children to learn to do so with valid rhetoric and arguments or points. When ever an argument relies on a Us / Them or One Race vs Another Race, or Mine / Yours the people involved in an issue have reverted to childish conduct, and for adults to do this in front of children results in the children losing respect for adults and indirectly their parents.

Bringing children to a protest is not the action of the School Board. It may be a good thing to do ... but how that protest is conducted, and the communication being made is a factor in how the child will conduct themselves in the future, including within their family relationships.

So be thoughtful for what you ask for and how you ask for it.