Wednesday, April 08, 2009

From the Email InBox

It is so sad that the Colton School Board has chosen to put the children in the middle of their battle with our Grand Terrace City Officials. I would never allow anyone to put children in the heat of the battle. Children are meant to be respected and appreciated. It’s too bad adults don’t behave the same way we teach our children.

On the School District website it says, “Mr. Abril was guided by a single principle while serving on the board: “What is the best for students?” This simple statement lead him through many difficult decisions and exemplifies his focus on improving educational opportunities for all children.”

It surprises me that Mr. Abril wouldn’t show respect to Wendy when she tried to do what she was taught in school, that is to stand up for what she believes. My stomach turned when the family of Abril, would give the finger to those who were voicing their belief. Such disrespect from such an honorable family could cause even greater problems between our two cities. I would hate to see it escalate as it did in my school when I was growing up. We had race riots and fights because some felt they were more worthy than the others. I certainly do not support this way of thinking, however, It could happen and it would be our School Board, the Superintendant, and our GT Officials we could thank as they are using us as their pawns because each of them think they are right.

I like the idea of requesting an exemption from the state STAR testing for my children. I also support putting the vote to the citizens in our district by making it legal and putting it on the ballot. Certainly, we do not want to see such childishness in our elected officials again, so we should vote them out. I prefer to teach the children to stand up for their beliefs, but without disrespect and violence.


This was also sent cc to the a blog specific to the name of the High School 3...