Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Next Election Single Issue: A Name..

All new school board elections will begin with the candidates being asked to take a stand on the Name of High School #3... will they vote to change it to Grand Terrace High School if and when they are elected to the School Board.

Now that will be an interesting question. This seemingly petty or small question may be a clue about the qualities and qualifications of an individual candidate. If a prospective candidate can raise above petty resentments like those the School Board has for the City Council and Mayor and City Manager of Grand Terrace, and actually hear the voices of the people they represent and the students they serve we may see better decisions being made by the next elected board.

The name is a small thing... but it is an indication of the mindset of the individuals on the current board. This mindset is not such that it reflects the desires of the community, nor does it suggest that the students are their highest motivation in their decision making.

So the Name Thing is just possibly the last straw... the final indication that change is needed on the School Board, and perhaps also on the City Council of Grand Terrace. If these Adults can't communicate and play nice together... perhaps it is time to chuck them all as leaders of our community.