Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Don't let Non City Employees have Key to City Hall..

It needed to be said. The lack of a policy forbidding the giving of keys to City Hall to non employees allowed such a thing to happen recently. Council Member Walt brought this to the attention to the others who all agreed that this practice needs to be stopped. City hall has business hours and that is when the office should be occupied and city business conducted.

Perhaps more interesting is the information that needs protecting. Other than employee information such as birthdays and SSN there should not be a document in City Hall that is not available to the public.

But, the viewing of city information should be done during regular business hours. A contractor getting paid for a city contract should be able to do that work during the city's hours or not be issued a contract. The fact it is a known person who formerly worked for the City of Grand Terrace should not be reason for an exception to good business practices. Walt your right on there.

Because Larry Rennow is not an employee he is not subject to the apparent conflict of interest a prior reader asked about. He is just helping out for a fee of over 2700.00 per month until the current Acting City Manager can return to his job as Finance Director..

It is either a case of inbreeding, or playing cards close to the vest, or something else wrong if there needs to be a full time City Manager and Finance Director for a town this small. That is a heap of money for part time assistance...