Tuesday, September 08, 2009

So Lets Get it Right... Center Needs Working Plumbing

Corporation for Better Housing has not fixed the lacking of a proper commercial kitchen drain for the Senior Housing's Senior Center... What is the plan to fix this problem and a time line for its completion.

Why was this not called out as a design requirement, and if it was why was it missed by the Building Inspector, Planning Department, and the people who all signed off on the design and building of the building? Hello what are you being paid for?

If the Building Inspector approved the building and the designs were complete and signed off by the city it may well be a city problem to fix. This is the same kind of drain required in all restaurants in the city... so it should be a known requirement within the building and planning departments and the plumbing inspector who signed off on the plumbing design and installation.

SO... what is the standard practice of the CBH... do they put kitchens in with out proper drains in other Senior Buildings or Community Center Rooms?

For the seniors who are still looking for alternatives there is a fun activity at Highgrove this Wens... get your 50's dancing out fit on and get ready for some fun...

Joanne Johnson was right, ranting about the problems doesn't fix it.. BUT, the community and the seniors should be informed that the problem is being resolved and a time line for its completion should be made known to all. This is a PUBLIC FACILITY and the PUBLIC has a right to know. Even if it is "Managed by CBH".

It can be that the city gets stuck with the bill if the City Approved the Design Drawings and Inspections were made during the construction. The time to catch this boo boo would have been when the pipes were still exposed pre foundation pour... that would be the call of the Professional Plumbing Inspector...or Building Inspector... and the name of that person is ????