Saturday, September 05, 2009

It is Time to Think of Miller's Replacement:

Jim Miller is facing his upcoming court date, arraignment and possibly a long drawn out and very interesting trial. Regardless of the outcome he has indicated that he will not run again after serving out this current term on the City Council.

We must play a bit of what if. What if Jim Miller is convicted and removed before the end of his term who will the remaining members of the City Council Appoint as his replacement?

Well, one name comes to mind as a HORRIBLE THOUGHT. Tom Schwab is now Citizen Tom Schwab and would be eligible for appointment, and of course the following election. However we must ask if we would accept as citizens the appointment of some one who has admitted to the cover up of criminal investigations and embezzlement within the City. It is doubtful that Mr. Schwab could win an election.

However it is highly possible that there is support on the City Council to fill an empty seat with the man who has been their guide in folly over all these past years. Cortez, Garcia and Ferry would most likely embrace the idea with great fever. Walt's vote would be Duly Noted in the soon to be forgotten minutes.

If Tom Schwab were given an appointment to the City Council Seat he would then have a small boost in the election process that may be sufficient to hold the seat. Only a few votes win an election in Grand Terrace.

So what to do? There must be some one who has no possible conflict of interest available to run for City Council. Any Stay at Home Moms who run a household on a budget? Anyone who works in the IE but outside of GT, but lives here. We all own part of the water company so there has to be forbearance on the possible conflicts that arrive from that as long as we don't have family members on the water company board, or are employed by the water company.

This reality may come sooner or later... as Jim Miller is not going to seek to remain on the City Council past this term.

Shutter at the thought of who the Garcia, Cortes, Ferre Triad would appoint if a replacement is needed before an election...