Tuesday, April 13, 2010

City Council on Fireworks:

Tonight the City Council Voted to offer a limited amount of safety to a limited number of people. People and homes with the highest property values may we add. Including the homes of Mayor Ferre and Council Member Garcia.

Walt tried to explain that if the Council Banned Fireworks that ban would only be as good as the Council. Walt this is a half explanation and you know it. This City Council or the Majority support having fireworks and this Council would not pass a ban. IF it would it could have had it both ways. This Council could have written a ban for now and have an election on a GT Measure that would increase the strength of the ban. We know Walt is against fireworks in general. He also knows he does not have the support of his fellow or fella council members on this issue.

The Council could have issued a no use map that covered all of Grand Terrace. Or allowed them in a controlled area at the parks. Nope, lets pretend that this safety zone will make GT Safer. It is a FRAUD on the citizens of GT yet again.

What are the fines for having fireworks in the safety zone? What are the fees for illegal fireworks in the rest of Grand Terrace? The Fire Department makes no arrests of issues a code violation that carries a financial penalty for breaking the law. The Sheriff's Department said they do what the Fire Department Does. Violators will get a talking to and an "Education".