Thursday, April 01, 2010

Horse Trading in GT

Walt Stanckiewitz 's open letter to CBH management, in this weeks Grand Terrace City News, revealed that the City Council has been informed of the sloppy contractual relationships in the building of the Blue Mt. Villa's and Petta Park. This problem was brought out to the City Council / CRA long before the first shovel of dirt was turned. Countless Citizens spoke during the Public Speaking Period requesting that the Contracts and Formal Plans be presented before the deal was a done deal behind closed doors. These requests were not answered. The terms and conditions of the contracts were not available to the public prior to the Council's Approval. It is part of that old back door negotiation policy that this Council over uses.

Shock that the deal that was bad went to worse. Who is accountable. Let's start with the Legal Council John Harper who should have checked all the contracts, Mr. Koontz who should have known about what Kitchens are needed for a PUBLIC FACILITY, and CBH who represented that they were professionals and had the experience to bring to the table to ensure a successful plan and build. Ex City Manager's Schwab and Berry should have also insisted on a professionally written and managed contract. Horse Traders All of Them. (No disrespect to legitimate horse traders)

Professionals like real contracts with specific terms and conditions and change clauses that spell out who does what and who pays for what, and how it is recorded. Crooks, Embezzlers, Thieves, and Charlatans and incompetents love contracts that are disregarded, or so poorly written, or never intended to be enforced. Now it is up to City Manager Adams to sort out the right titles to the parties of the original agreements and subsequent actions. City Manager Adams should be assisted in this chore by the FBI as Federal Funds are being collected in rents, Bonds are Regulated, and there seems to be at a minimum a conspiracy between parties to violate standard government contracting regulations.

This is why in part a CRA in GT is a Bad Bad Bad Idea. We have hand enough. We don't need to continue to sleep in a bed we know has bed bugs.