Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Debra Hurst Did it and is PROUD.

Debra Hurst said "I did it and I am Proud". She communicated with the blog answering the speculation as to who sent the mailers regarding Bea Cortes's fitness for the seat on the City Council.

Her personal action is a direct response to her feelings about Bea Cortes history of conduct on the council and in public. Simply put she has had enough.

In addition to the mailer she has made the following yard sign:

If you want a yard sign you can contact her at and she will meet with you to give you one until they are all gone.

Asked if additional mailers were planned she said "no I am not rich".

She declined to say who she supported in the election other than to offer she also did not support the former city manager.

One thing is for sure she is against the Re-election of Bea Cortes and is a woman of her word. She addressed the Council and Public during a City Council Meeting and said that she would work at seeing Bea Cortes is not re-elected to the City Council as a result of her conduct related to the Arrest of Former Council Member Jim Miller. The added thrust came when Bea Cortes had a citizen arrested and gagged by a Restraining Order, which was later dropped by Cortes at the advise of her lawyer.