Monday, September 13, 2010

State and Federal Taxes Unpaid Oh My...

The City of Grand Terrace, and all of its Past City Council Members, Planning Commissioners, and possibly the estate of Richard Rollins who received a 1000.00 per month Stipend to take care of his name sake park all face the inconvenience, and cost of paying back taxes. Income Taxes, Social Security Taxes and the Penalties for failure to report and to pay taxes. This is true for Federal and State taxes.

Mayor Ferre and her husband may have to face a double awaking as he receives a stipend from the Water Company and it may have not been included in their total income statement or tax calculations or she would have known that stipends are taxable.

Is it time to ask the Water Company if it has paid its contributions to FICA, SDI, and so forth and is it time to turn in the names of all members of the Water Company Board along with the City's Stipend Earners, to the IRS and Franchise Tax Board as being suspect of having not reported all their earned income.