Monday, September 06, 2010

Two Faces of Ferre and the Rest of the Triad:

Mayor Ferre now clings to the advise of the City Attorney Mr. Harper that the Non Payment of Payroll Taxes (Employee and Employer Contributions), for the past 30 years should be an issue discussed behind closed doors. This is one of those cases that much of the discussion could or "May" be discussed in public when it is in terms of the generality of the situation or the Management Decisions made that perpetuated that oversight in proper Accounting Practices.

HOWEVER, this time Mayor Ferre is using the "May" as a MUST... and she is taking the advise of the Council of the City Attorney.

Sure she does when it may be covering her own POCKET BOOK. ( I bet you thought I'd say some thing that sounds like ask.)

Recall that Same "Trusted City Attorney" advised this council recently that the Code limiting Political Signs and Speech has been found UNCONSTITUTIONAL Restraint of Political Speech. That the City could be taken to court and the law suit could be costly.... OH no matter, the Mayor Ferre and the other members of the TRIAD Garcia and Cortes don't care about the possible law suit cost, or the rights of citizens to speak or have political signs in their own yards... They would not even second a motion made by Walt Stanckiewitz to vote on the recommendation of the City Attorney, and the Staff Prepared Revised Code.

BUT, let the Triad and their Buddy Schwab and Berry risk facing the Audit and Penalty of a Court or IRS Audit and a State Franchise Tax Audit, the Citizens have no right to know about the shenanigans that they have been up to behind closed doors in the past or what they are collectively in collusion to do now.

Is your tong forked in addition to you having two faces Mayor Ferre?