Tuesday, September 11, 2007

From the Email InBox: Tonights MOU


Please know the MOU is with the same people who:

Brought the Grandiose Plan for the Outdoor Adventure Center:
Judge Wade set that plan and approvals back to ZERO because:

No Traffic or Circulation Plan.
Adverse Effect Community Financial Obligations to meet the UNDER PLANED INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS.


Portions of the City Planning Department work "Part Time" for the City and "Part Time" for one of the Partners of "Grand Terrace Partners, LLC". IF this is not a conflict of Interest I don't know what is.


Mr. Schwab's dislike for "Natural Development" is equal to the removal of Property Rights of anyone owning land in the Proposed Development Area and the Adjacent Property and roads.

Directing "Circulation" ie Traffic to MAIN street away from the High School? Where is that going to go? The Sketches will shock the PUBLIC and the Colton Joint Unified School District Board Members.

Drawings and Maps showing GT Elm School as Commercial Property and not a School, is a demonstration of the Disrespect the City Manager has for the School Board.

The City going around to land owners and suggesting zone changes, so that "Plans" can be done, is only a way for the city to deny land owners flexibility in the use and development of their property.

GT Partners. LLC had a ill advised, contract or Exclusive Agreement to Develop the OAC. They have Failed. To continue with them without opening up the concept or opportunity to the citizens, landowners, and yes other developers should be illegal. If it isn't it should be.

If you own property in the Proposed area this agreement means:

YOU may not sell or develop your own property to your own advantage. You may only sell and develop it to the advantage of the RDA/ and the GT Partners.

YOU may be subject to Eminent Domain if your Residential Property is in a Commercial Zone. Remember, your zoning can change at the whim or direction of the Schwab. So IF you live anywhere in GT don't think you enjoy full ownership of your property. IF YOU INVEST in Commercial Property in GT... don't think you have a fair competition.

From the Schwab's own mouth you heard him say HE extended the Exclusive Agreement and the MOU is just formalizing Staff's Decision.

The entire MOU and Drawings will be posted... soon


NO Plan should be accepted for this area until Cal Trans and US DEPT of Transportation have the drawings done in BLACK INK.

IN ADDITION: Natural Development does not increase PUBLIC DEBT of the RDA. The Schwab's Plan will Increase the PUBLIC RDA DEBT.

What you saw was the negotiation for the Prostitution of the City Council, and City Staff for the Benefit of the Developer, and perhaps a few property and business owners. AND the Enslavement of Property Owners and Citizens.

We will all be Indentured Servants or Debt Slaves without the right to use or truly "Own Property"... You saw the sale price for of 300,000.00 You were Sold out GT Citizens... and Property Owners... and the Price was Cheep. As a Matter of fact it wouldn't even buy a house in GT ..... Last Month..