Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The MOU agreed upon by 4 of the 5 Council Members Contains Authorization for the RDA to increase the RDA DEBT from 15 Million to 65 Million and more. THIS IS from an RDA Director and City Council that refuses to accept DEBT as being the same as Operating in the RED or at a Deficit as the rest of us in our Daily Lives would consider.

So not only were the Citizens Sold out to the GT Partners for 300.000.00 (Yes that is more than a quarter of a Million Dollars, but it is also about the price of a house in GT)... WE were put further into Slavery by the Company Store Mentality of the City Council and RDA by forcing an increased Debt Burden and Longer Dictatorship of the RDA over the Lives of the Citizens and Property and Business owners of GT.

Not only is this bad economics, not sustainable management practices, the methods used should be illegal and the conflict of interest and practices should be investigated by all levels of government from Federal on down.

Council Member Miller was correct in Abstaining on Approval of the MOU... He would have been better served to have voted NO. He would have gotten the Same Dirty Look that the Mayor Gave him when she realized he Abstained, as if to say... "How Dare He".

Council Member Miller's Paper Received over $6,000.00 in payments for Advertising. The Ads were printed, and the services rendered at the same rate any other business would pay. The real question should be is this an Expense that should have been Paid by the City of Grand Terrace? Isn't it Burtec's (Trash Service) Job or in their interest to pay for such an ad? Did the change not get sufficient attention at City Council Meetings, and in Press Coverage that justified an ADD TOO?

Or was this a way to entrap the Millers in some way, to get Council Member Miller Obligated to toe the line...

Spending 6000.00 to "Inform" the Public about a service change that was not much of a big deal. and then NOT Informing the Public that their DEBT was going to go from 15 to 65 Million with an MOU between the City and GT Partners who failed in their "Development Plan of the OAC". Question the Intent of the City Manager, and City Staff, and the other 4 City Council Members before you think of Charging the Millers of taking advantage. "After all the add was not put out to BID".

The Compensation for the Council Members and the credit card expenses should be looked into. I doubt that they can justify spending 200.00 per month for transportation expense. If they can perhaps they should stay home more often.

A.G. Jerry Brown, US District Attorney, FBI, IRS and CREW should look into the FINE DETAILS of this MOU. Our "Local DA Corruption Division is Impotent"