Monday, September 24, 2007

More from the Email In Box: Fat Food Fast Food Plan

Once again Stephen Wall is way off track. He only seems to listen to the city manager who is dieing to overbuild and over populate our streets.

Why in the world do we need more fast food. Everyone is too fat. Arnold is running campaigns to get people to eat healthy and exercise more.

Grand Terrace won’t maintain the streets now, what will happen when they have all the shops they want. Oh yea, they will be able to pay with the increase in revenue. The truth is Schwab, Ferre, Cortez and what’s his name, oh yeah, ding dong Buchanon will not be around to enjoy the traffic, vandalism, smog and all around disillusionment.

What our city needs are new City Council members. Two are up for re-election. That means two seats are available.

The present city council is running up debt, traffic, air pollution and crime.

We need to bring back the Recreation Department and get children 12 and up involved.