Monday, September 03, 2007

Vandals or Helpers?

Sunday Morning along the sidewalk on Mt. Vernon residents awakened to tree branches on the sidewalk.

Was this done by a “Helpful” citizen, or a Vandal? Yes there are many walkers who are no doubt bothered by low hanging branches along sidewalks, and the city has passed a new ordinance regarding trimming branches over sidewalks. However, was notice given to the residence that during a heat wave they would be getting this Help?

To do this during a heat wave is less than kind unless the “Helper” had a truck or trailer and hauled away the offending branches.

Perhaps the City could maintain the trees that are in GT before they go and plant over 200 more on Main St. Or let the citizens cut them down and keep all tree planting out of the City’s Right of Way near the streets. Folks can plant a tree closer to their home and eliminate the street infringement and increase the efficiency of cooling during the summer.