Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Boo Hoo Bea Cortes: She's Running for Council.

Boo Hoo Bea Cortes announced at tonight's City Council Meeting that she was going to run for City Council. This announcement came after Mr. Sandovol announced his intention to run for the 4 year seat in the upcoming election. He presented himself and a portion of his Contract for Grand Terrace. He stated that this was going to be an issues election not a popularity contest.

Boo Hoo Bea Cortes tried to pretend she was not taken aback by the challenge but you could read her face and decide for yourself how much she welcomes a citizen who challenges her for her seat on the City Council.

The blog iepolitics.com has an interesting new article about Bea Cortes and how the Restraining Order Events are beginning to look even worse for Boo Hoo Bea. There is now a question if she used her "Status" as a Council Member to manipulate the service of court documents and the initial outcome of her application for a restraining order.

Follow this link.. http://iepolitics.com/category/in-the-news/bertha-bea-cortes they have a great insight on the tick tock of the Boo Hoo events.