Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sandoval Enters City Council Race 4 Cortes Seat

Walt Stanckiewits welcomed Bernardo Sandoval to the race for the full term City Council Seat currently held by Bertha Bea Cortes. He said thanks for "manning" up and joining the race. He then quoted Jefferson that when you become a public servant you become public property. He suggested that anyone running for political office that did not understand that relationship should not burden the citizens of the community by running.

Walt Stanckiewits then concurred with the Contract with Grand Terrace Document that Bernardo Sandoval prepared to represent the reasons he is running and how he would conduct himself as a City Council Member. Walt said he would sign the same contract. This election was going to be about issues and not popularity or personality.

Bernardo Sandoval was focused on the past financial folly and poor management of the Schwab/Berry years and also stressed the importance of nurturing a better relationship between the Grand Terrace City Council and the Colton Joint Unified School District.