Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rushing Plans Prior to Election of New Mayor and Council

Dear Grandpa Terrace,

I agree with your viewpoint that the City Council approved a plan that was a single build. I also believe the following:

  • Due to the resignation of Jim Miller, the announcement from Mayor Ferre that she will step down after her term expires this fall and term of Councilwoman Bertha Cortes expiring, decisions five years out should be put on the back burner until after the November elections. Only LeeAnn Garcia and Walt Stanckiewitz seats are not up for election.

  • The extenuating circumstances of the global/national/state/local economy require another review of the terms, conditions and benefits to city residents. The city council has a fiduciary responsibility to the residents of Grand Terrace.

  • The current posture of the Mayor to limit the voices of citizens to a mere three minutes and rush though items of this consequence is untenable.

  • Remember, the City of Bell changed its’ organization from a General Law city to a Charter City to circumvent limits on managerial salaries and council compensation. The Attorney General is investigating whether the council exercised due diligence in it’s accord (fiduciary responsibility) with citizens to protect their interest. Of special concern, is the amount of disclosure and public discussion and voter education on the elements of the charter amendment.

  • Citizens should ask why the rush? We need more meaningful disclosure and discussion.

  • Individuals should have at least five minutes to present their testimony to the council. Citizens wishing to yield their time to a spokesperson should be able to. Anything less is a naked disregard for true citizen participation. I understand there are time constraints, so why not schedule this agenda without awards and recognitions and defer city council member’s reports at the end of the agenda.

Sylvia Robles

Grand Terrace Resident