Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Danger of Tom Schwab's Attitude

Correction: Motion to Revise the Political Sign Code was not passed. Stanckiewits's Motion did not get a second and so it was not voted upon. Freedom of Political Speech is limited in GT. GT is subject to the risk of a law suit.


As the former City Manager Tom Schwab has lead this City into long and costly legal battles. Last night we got an insight into the workings of his mind that led to this situation for our city. He was and is willing to risk a law suit to have his own way, just do it until some one brings a legal action. He is willing to put the city into court. Why and who benefits. Well, the City Attorney for one benefits from more billable hours.

During his reign as City Manager the city was taken to court and lost several times. In addition contracts between the city and contractors have been sloppy, violated, horsetraded, and quite frankly absent of sound business or governmental practices. This is the way he wanted it. His just let it ride until there is a law suit. This is a caviler attitude as an individual. It is or should be a criminal one when you are employed by the government or a member of the government.

The idea that Tom Schwab is thinking of running for political office makes me wonder if the time has come to press charges against him as it apparently is the only way to stop him from ransacking the city. His statement that he diverted millions of dollars from the RDA as a Loan to the City he never intended to pay back should rise to a criminal charge. Why hasn't there been a criminal investigation and charges made against him for this intentional miss use of funds?

You can go to jail for writing a bad check to the gas station. How is it Tom Schwab isn't in jail for intentionally making a Loan from one Governmental Agency to Another with the forgone intent not to repay it. This is theft, fraud, and embezzlement. The people who buy RDA Bonds should be able to bring a law suit against the city for the miss use of their investment funds. Oh but, Mr. Schwab was and is apparently willing to risk legal action in order to get his own way.

No, he does not belong in government in any function other than perhaps poop picker upper at the dog park as a volunteer.