Friday, July 16, 2010

Say a Little Prayer for Mr. Schwab

Just a little history lesson for Mr. Schwab. Nowhere in the Constitution do the words "Separation of Church and State" appear. They were in a letter to the Danbury Baptist from Tomas Jefferson assuring them there would be no state religion. The fact is the First Constitutional Congress stopped several times for prayer and asked for God's guidance.

If Mr. Schwab would ever visit the Supreme Court building, albeit I would be overjoyed to see him as the guest of honor in any court, there is a relief art work over the entrance depicting Moses holding the Ten Commandments along with the great law givers of the world. The doors to the Court Room have art work that depict the Ten Commandments. Over the Justices bench is the Ten Commandments.

To enlighten him further, the misconception that the Framers were deists is the furthest thing from the truth. Jefferson spoke against religion in the context of the Church of England. Thomas Jefferson started four churches, one that met every Sunday in the same room as did the Congress. The faith of the Framers and members of the First Continental Congress is not that difficult to find, revisionist history aside. The First Amendment gives us freedom of religion, not from religion.

We all need to pray for Mr. Schwab in one form or another.

Gramps adds.

Recall the time period. Persons who were not of the same religion of a particular settlement were either exiled or worse. In order to unite the factions into a Unit, there could not be a single Church or Religion declared as the "Official" State Church. This accounted for God but allowed each to practice their own Religion and attend their own Church without a conflict with the State.

The 10 Commandments are the foundation to the Jewish, Christian and Muslim Religions. Their principles are repeated in different words in many of the other religions.

So Prayer is OK in a PUBLIC SETTING or a Government Meeting. HOWEVER. if GT were to say we are the City of the Grand Poo Boo Hoo Church, that would be a violation of the Federal Law. Not because the Grand Poo Boo Hoo is wrong but it would inevitably discriminate against person who chose a different church affiliation.