Thursday, July 15, 2010

CORRECTION: Freedom of Speach Not in GT

Dear Pa.

The story you have posted on the sign ordinance is wrong.

There was no vote to change it. Councilman Stanckiewitz reluctantly moved to change it, but neither Cortes or Ferre moved to second the motion. Good to know that the city is being protected from lawsuits...

From Pa.

Thanks for the correction. I will add this short post to all related posts so that readers don't miss the fact that corrections are made. In addition that FREEDOM OF POLITICAL SPEECH is not Protected in Grand Terrace. Any Lawyers out there need a case to file?

The original email that reported the change in the code has reported that the wrong information was reported because she could not fully understand what Ferre and Cortes mumbled after the motion was made by Stankiewitz. The clerk did not announce clearly that the Motion was rejected due to lack of a second. Perhaps when the Council does not pass a Staff Recommendation there should be an announcement that is more clear when a Motion or Recommendation is not passed. A real rare occasion to be sure.

Thanks for the correction... Sorry there needed to be one.
