Friday, December 31, 2010

Applicants Names Coming 2 Light read BMO

It appears that Tom Schwab is still making a desperate play to be involved in City Governance. He apparently has filed as an applicant for the City Council Seat Appointment, and in the BMO said he would pledge not to run in 2 years.

You can guess I am SO Opposed to this idea it makes it difficult not to re run a list of reason why he should not be an appointment.

First of all if there are two camps he is the Head of the Beast of one of the two camps. He himself admits to actions that could be considered criminal activities and or fraud. He at a council meeting said, he moved money as a loan from the RDA to the City with no intention of paying it back. He also admitted to obstructing the fraud and implementable investigation into the actions of Steve Berry. He then said his former employers did not pay income tax on stipends, when in fact they did and for years he allowed the wrong tax procedure to be used in GT, putting council members and the city at risk.

No we don't need the Former City Manager, giving guidance and direction to the Current City Manager in a capacity of a superior. Nope No Way, No How. We don't need to perpetuate his knowledge and experience any further.

The statements of Mr. Wilson and his apparent application seem to be an odd evaluation of an election and the public support for Sylvia Robles at the recent City Council Meetings. Mr. Wilson presumes he would get ALL of the votes from McGuire, Schwab, Loader, and Sternburg if he were in a 2 way race with Stanckiewitz. That is a bold assumption to make. Some of those voters may not have cast a vote or would have voted for Stanckiewitz if their friend, family member was not running, they may have had a leaning to Wilson, however to assume his votes would approach 1700 votes that Sylvia Robles received is an unsupportable statistical stretch of the imagination. He has run for office in the past and has not gotten close to her first run. He said nothing that would convince me that he held any advantage in qualifications as an appointment.

In the article Sylvia Robles stated her reasons for running and putting her name in as an option for appointment. She brings with her 25 years of governmental budget experience that would be of importance to the City Council and Community.

The apparent "Fear" of "Reformers" is a fear of transparency and accountability? Is that where we really are. Does Grand Terrace "Fear" that the City Council Members want to hold themselves and City Employees accountable and be transparent and straight forward with the community and voters? My understanding of "Fear" in general is that is based on a perpetuated ignorance that experience and education can overcome. What Grand Terrace has had in the past is a City Governance that perpetuated ignorance via poor disclosure, and open discussions, and manipulation. Let's hope Council Member Garcia, Darcy, Sandoval and Mayor Stanckiewitz are willing to see past the "Fear" and look for knowledge and expertise that the city needs.

There may be other applicants yet to evaluate. Let's hope that there is an appointment that will be helpful in these difficult budget times and one who would get or exceed the acceptance of 1700 voters. If not Sylvia Robles, clearly not Doug Wilson and or Tom Schwab.