Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From the Email InBox: What I heard


What I heard Council Member Lee Ann Garcia say is that in the past times she was involved in appointing people to the City Council it was a forgone conclusion by the City Council that the appointment would come from a person on the Planning Commission or who had prior experience. Why then did they pretend to have an open application to all interested parties.

Was she not offended by the process used in the past sufficiently to object or raise issue with it? I am troubled by the revelations of her lengthy description of the past and her current logic regarding this appointment that is pending. Has she and Council Member Darcy McNaboe already predetermined that there will be NO appointment as they assured each other that they had high level of doubt that 3 of the 4 would find an applicant they would approve. Thus they collectively demonstrated how difficult a 4 member council will be.

I hope the "Trust" that was given to them is not betrayed and that they will try to be accepting of one of the applicants who they do not find so repugnant as Sylvia Robles, the apparent choice of the people in attendance and the voters of the most recent election. Note to them, no one shut out the "Other's who sent email". When it was time for PUBLIC Comment "they" should have made their comment public or not have it counted in higher regard than those who came to the PUBLIC Meeting gave their names and stated their views. Certainly Garcia & McNaboe aspire to have more credibility than this blog... or do they?

Gramps Says:

Interesting points, If not Sylvia.... who that clearly is the question now. They have heard Public Comment, seen the vote results, and there is nothing those who support Sylvia could say or do as individuals or en mass to shift their decision so be it. Pick a person to break the ties that clearly will plague this sitting council. Or vote to agree to a coin toss with no added conditions after the coin has been tossed. Information, and public comment is clearly not an issue for either McNaboe or Garcia, as evidenced by the desire to limit the number of questions to make the meeting not run later than 9ish. My head is still spinning on that idea alone.