Thursday, December 02, 2010

Freeway Project Closer to Being Defined:


The following link provides the current information on the freeway construction proposed along our city, and adjacent to Grand Terrace Crossings or the old Outdoor Adventure Center Development Area

None of the links on that page will provide a drawing to show exactly where and what is going to be done however the projected final plan is early 2011. That is good news. The City and the land owners along the route will be able to better plan on what they want to do with their freeway frontage property. Billboards any one? It will also give existing businesses and home owners a heads up on where they stand or don't stand on having their property and businesses consumed by the project.

I suggest you all read the environmental impact information it contains interesting information. The level of detail of the report alone is educational and informative about our area. Those of you with time and concerns over how the construction will impact you and your businesses pleas attend the meeting in Grand Terrace December 13th at Grand Terrace Elementary School. The meeting begins at 4:00 pm and is supposed to be ongoing until 7:00 to collect public input.

The full project is not scheduled for completion until 2016 and of course there could be some slippage to that projected date. However knowing when and where the project is will help the Businesses, Citizens and City know how to plan with a bit more effectiveness.