Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Grand Terrace Flood Damage Top $400,000

The Grand Terrace City Council met in emergency session Monday afternoon to declare a disaster while workers cleared storm drains in preparation for the storm.

At the Grand Terrace City Council meeting, City Manager Betsy Adams said the city expects to spend $411,000 on flood repairs.

Grand Terrace Road remains closed by flood damage, she said. Temporary repairs will cost $40,000 and a permanent fix is likely to be as much as $100,000. Mount Vernon Avenue may reopen today, officials said. (MT. Vernon is Still Closed) (Barton Rd. still has a utility pole that needs to be replaced). (Expect work crews and Safety Inspectors).

The rest of the story is at:


I suggest you read it as it gives you a good idea of where not to drive during and after a storm.

Note, that the mighty Cal Trans had to close the freeway due to water damage and flooding. How is it we trust Jacobsen/Stater's to get run off estimates more accurate than the grand old Cal Trans? The City's waiver of fees, and deposits for construction by LARGE Contractors and For example Riverside Water Company results in the short shifting of funds on reserve to resolve future unforeseen infrastructure corrections caused by the construction. Please let's hope that large construction projects or those covering the land with hard cement or pavement provide either those deposits, or sufficient insurance to cover the damage they contribute to in the event of rain and excessive run off.

It will be nice to know what is on that long list of repairs needed. But, the PE does not cover things in that detail.

Keep dry folks. Stay out of standing water or moving water... If you must drive in the rain, check the effectiveness of your breaks often and give your self plenty of time to get there, Drive SLOW, and Start your Stops well in advance of your NEED to Stop.