Thursday, December 02, 2010

From Email Inbox: New Reader,

Dear Grand Pa Terrace: Please Post

Why is it you don't post what you say on Topix? Anyway, I found your blog because of the posts on topics. Some of the other posters complain about this blog so much I had to check it out for myself. Well, here it is I am emailing you.

I want to say I support the West Side Park, IF the grant from the State will pay for the land and the full build out of the park and the street and infrastructure improvements. I haven't seen a detailed budget for any of these plans or negotiations. It would be nice to have a total plan and a copy of the state grant application and the price negotiated with the seller of the land.

I also think if Jacobsen is contractually required to replace the housing units he should be forced to do that on some other piece of land in Grand Terrace. I don't think they have to be traditional housing or mobile homes. Perhaps he could get a grant to build an off the grid village where there are no sewer hook ups or power hook ups. There are new Composting Toilets, and Gray Water Systems that could eliminate the need for a sewer connection and of course PV power could provide efficiency homes/apartments like studio apartments or Single Occupant Housing or a College Dormitory type facility for young people starting out. There is more than one way to fill the need for Low and Moderate Income Housing.

Tom R



Welcome to the Blog, Tom R.

The posts on Topix answer the posts on Topix and have very little if anything to do with the real issues past or current in Grand Terrace. If the person attacking this blog wanted to email us here at we would respond and post as done with your email. Many folk do not want their email posted, others want it posted without their name, still others want to provide information only or have their ideas compiled with others in a list. How the opinions and email is posted is situational with the writer's desires and the number of people offering the same opinion. There is one condition to be posted, and that is simple. Language used in a post should be the same quality of a "G" rated Movie.

Good ideas on the park issue. However, I am afraid that the input from the results of the Planning Commission's look at the proposal is such I doubt that the funds will not come close to the actual cost of construction of the park, nor do we have a means to pay for the upkeep of the park if built. Even if the land was free it would be questionable that the State's funds would pay for the park being built, in addition to the needed infrastructure improvements.

I look forward to a full Council Packet including the Full State Application for the Grant to read what is called out on the specifications and terms and conditions of the Grant, the Plan and the build budget and the plan and cost for all related tangent construction and improvements. These documents have not been provided in sufficient detail to be able to make a full assessment on the park issue. However, indications are we simply don't have the money to build and run an additional park.

Note a simple ball field with no lights cost about $500,000.00. just last month. The property is valued at the tax office for 1.6 million... I don't think the math will work out in such a way that the city should take the State's Money only to go into further financial problems down the road.

Your suggestion for off the Grid Housing units. Interesting, I wonder if the Planning Department would give a builder permits for such a development. We do have a need for clean save Single Occupancy Only Housing for some of the young people who attend College and work in Grand Terrace, or are getting out on their own for the first time. Interesting idea, and alternative housing development.

Well, again welcome to you as a new reader. Look forward to more input.
