Monday, December 20, 2010

As the Clock Ticks: Here is what is needed....


As the clock is running down on the 30 day dead line in filling the empty council seat perhaps it would be wise for Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz to call a Special City Council Meeting every day until the decision has been made. Perhaps he should include Weekends and non "Official Holidays".

In order to facilitate this he may have to ask the City Staff who attends the meetings to begin their work days at 1:00 pm so they are not on overtime hours. (Management in most businesses do not get paid overtime or hourly, so that only affects those who are compensated hourly.) All other management should put in the extra hours without additional pay. No Comp time. It is part of being a manager.

Please encourage all citizens that can come to Tuesdays City Council Meeting to show up and encourage a timely decision. We can't afford to pay 30,000 to 50,000 for an election. That is a waste of money that should be held in reserve for a real need or a long term asset that will serve the community longer than 2 year appointment to city council.