Wednesday, March 14, 2007

From the Email InBox: Key Points and Review of Council Meeting

Dear Gramps,

Last Night at the City Council Meeting:

Sandbag representative says it will take another ten years to get the freeway problem solved. Mostly because they have to move Grand Terrace Elementary School.

The School District says there are no plans to move the elementary school. "If anything they will add on."

New "windy" Council Member, Buchanon, wants the bottle neck problem solved. And Bea "dittoed" him like she did Ferre last year.

Citizens want to know if a power plant is going in or not. Other's want the City Council to listen to their concerns about pollution and get on board educating themselves about the dangers of an electrical power plant. The major concern for everyone is an electrical powerplant going in next to the soon to be High School.

This isn't rocket science - but still the council refuses to take a stand. It will take an act of God to get these people off their seats and quit distroying our city. So I am praying, and praying .....

Remember Mayor Ferre doesn't think it is her job to research and educate herself. That is "staffs" job. But their too busy railroading their own agenda and fielding lawsuits because they refuse to follow the laws that are set to protect citizens.

My thanks to those who are willing to stand up.