Friday, March 16, 2007

From the Email InBox: Real Forward Looking Planning

Dear Gramps:

Here is a thought for the Planners if they want to Plan Forward rather than Plan on what has been done in the past and hope that the past will work for our future.

We need Better Transportation.
We need Electricity
We need a High School
We may even need a Elementary School

While CalTrans is redesigning the Freeway and the Offramps they should work with the Rail Lines to make sure that there is an improved rail bed and a reduction in the number or risk of derailments in Grand Terrace/Highgrove.

In addition, because there can’t be a 15 lane Freeway, perhaps the Metrolink Station in Highrove is a offset or could offset some of the demand on the freeway use. This would require a Park and Rail Station in Highgrove, near the AES Proposed Power Plant.

The AES Power Plant could be a PV Solar Station that collects power from the Parking structure surfaces and the surfaces on the High School and all other public facilities in Grand Terrace in addition to perhaps a fuel cell power generator which will also be a Zero Polluter.

This would be a Real Act of Real Forward Looking Planning and a true Collaboration of Effort and limited resources and be in harmony with all Uses and Needs.

We also need to re-design our homes and energy use so that we produce some if not all our own power for our home use and the power AES produces would be true Peaker Demand Requirements. Our city Code should be revised to encourage individual action and not be in the way of the use of alternatives to the grid.. or excessive consumption of electricity or water.