Thursday, April 05, 2007

From the Email InBOX: Agenda? Meeting? INFORMATION YEAH!!!

Dear Gramps: Please Post:

The InTheNEWS Post suggested the City Council Meeting for April 10 is a FIRM Date and Meeting. As the Last Council Meeting Closed there seemed to be some question if there would be an April 10th Meeting. Some of the City Council Members wanted it to be canceled so they can attend a City’s of the County Meeting of some sort. IS there going to be a meeting? No Agenda Has been Posted Yet.

The InTheNEWS article about Medical Marijuana Shop Ban in GT is misleading. First of all a Second Reading would assume the First Reading the Ordinance was actually Read. No the Reading was Waived by the Council Members who wanted to have another record breaking quick meeting of under 40 minutes. The Ordinance was not published along with the agenda for the Public to View in Full unless the Citizen took time off work to go to the counter the one or two days prior to the Council Meeting. The City should have these Proposed Ordinances Posted on the City Web Page as a Minimum. In addition there should be a 30 or 45 day notice prior to the FIRST READING so that the PUBLIC can be informed and be informed participants as to the changes being proposed.

I am not for Drugs. I would be all for the closing down of all Drug Stores selling Booze, Tobacco, and the Closing of ALL unlicensed Illegal Drug Stores we Clearly Harbor in our town. Just Look at the Arrests and how many begin with HS….. those are all drug related arrests of one kind or an other.

The Point I am trying to make is that the City would be better served by the Staff if the Information was shared upfront, and in its complete form. There are people who would read it and bring intelligent comment and concerns to the City Council for their deliberations.

With the Posting of the Revised EIR and the Revised General Plan Proposals to Force Fit the Senior Center into the Current General Plan may be an example of how the City Can if it WANTED TO share information with the Citizens.

I urge every citizen to read and review the Documents on the Blue Mt. Senior Villa. This is what should have been available to the public the first time around. It is unfortunate that it takes a law suit to get something done right in Grand Terrace. Now the Public has documents and information they can review, digest and evaluate and make informed decisions and opinions regarding the Zone Changes, Building Design and Environmental Impact of the Development. Note there have been changes from the “Original Plan” Perhaps this new plan meet the design and use concerns and desires of all Citizens. However, it is not clear how building a Senior Only Housing will satisfy the Requirements of the State Redevelopment Agency or Housing Authority Requirements levied upon the City of Grand Terrace to provide Housing for Very Low and Low Income Persons of ANY AGE GROUP. Grand Terrace RDA and City Became Obligated to provide housing for Very Low and Low Income Individuals and Families as part of the agreements made when it obtained Loans/Grants/Debt or Funds.