Monday, April 23, 2007

From the Email Inbox: What's Not on the Agenda?

NOT on the AGENDA:

AES: The Council can Review Online Documents, and the Documents Provided by Citizens Raising Concern and even Pass or Not Pass the Proclamation as Presented at the Prior Meeting without a Public Town Hall Meeting. Are they unable to educate themselves on the material, in order to make an informed decision or form an informed opinion? If this is true they should resign. AES and HS#3 are not activities that should be companions. Both have RDA and City Deals and Land Swaps as entanglements, perhaps this is why the City Manager will not put it on the agenda and the Council will not act on such an important issue. Citizens please write the California Energy Commision, and the South Coast Air Quality Management Department, and tell them Please No more Pollution in our already over polluted air.

Fireworks Revision Ord: Revisions to the Ord were stipulated by the Motion Passed in the City Council's approval of Fireworks for another year. These changes have not been codified and no revised Ord. has been passed by the City Council.

Youth Programs for 13 to 18 year Olds continue to be nearly non existent and those available are limited to that specific age group.

Status of Court Cases. We never are updated during the Meetings. Is it possible the Council Members are also not advised?

Blue Mt. Senior Villa's Environmental Impact Preliminary Report is done and Public Comment is Due, Dead Line approaches. The term reverse engineering comes to mind when reviewing the Specific Plan which is a companion document for the Blue Mt. Senior Villa's EIR. If you build a house then draw the plans you reverse engineer. It appears that the Plan for Grand Terrace is being made to fit the BMSV, rather than have the BMSV fit the Plan. This process is unfair to the people of Grand Terrace who are unable to influence the City Manager to support a Change in a Plan to the same degree his selected developers are. This is the case for BMSV and the Jacobsen Town Center / Square Relationship. Note even the BMSV EIR states the better space for the BMSV would be on Barton Road where the GENERAL PLAN had it placed prior the the SCWHAB/CFBH Plan. Have we had enough of this "Management Style" YET?

No Plan B has been presented by Mr. Jacobsen for the now named "Town Square". His Exclusive Development Agreement has lapsed. Land Transfers from RDA to other city agencies and developers continue to happen without proper public notice and opportunity for participation. Example RDA Land (Weber Property) to be transferred to City, then to BMSV. Example Land transferred from RDA to Jacobsen last June or July without proper Public Notice and process prior to even a Plan B being done and presented. No Housing Replacement Plan for the Mobile Homes and other Homes has been provided.

Also not provided to the Public that nagging issue, Did Steve Berry actually pay for the Crown Victoria, City Manager, Sold from the City's Assets with out proper process or procedure, again no public notice or opportunity to purchase the surplus. No evidence of payment received has been provided, nor what fund the money was deposited to IF it was received. The car's owner ship was transfered, but no money trail has been documented. What else has been "sold" or disposed of, computers, digital cameras, who knows? If you can't trace a car sale how can the citizens trust the other purchases?

The Mayor is now in Month 4 of the Safe Period where Recall Supporters by law Can't Recall the Mayor. Has the Mayor's Oversight of the City Manager and Staff been sufficient to quell their disappointment in her tactics, and methods? It will not be known until the slow months of summer politics. However, the list of what is not done, what is not on the agenda may be foreshadowing the undercurrent just beneath the surface.