Thursday, October 04, 2007

From the Email InBox: Motives of the Mayor and Manager

Dear Gramps More on the topic:

The question being is the comments via an Over-Active Mayor or is work progressing via an Over-Active City Manager? It may be somewhere in between. When I attend
City Council meetings, there does not seem to be a lot of discussion on certain High Dollar items. Are the two Over Active ones supporting one another? Each
wanting to be 'least 1% better than the other, and things are getting more outrageous by the minute. Kind of like we ought to clear land for a balistic missle
launching site if it will make a permanent name for one or the other. The residents may not like it, but BOY!! will it bring in the sales taxes, and we are sure they then will appreciate us later on.

Are the two trying to make a buck off the Non-residents, plus a name for them selves in the making, or are they interested in the community?

I never would have thought of inviting the Unified School District in just for getting my name up in cast stainless steel letters across the front. I think you correct now, and may not have seen it, but now think you are correct. The high school is dead.

What's up for the property then? I can pop you out an new environmental report over the weekend, that is sure to get approved. Can you get some crayons and make up a plan ('course we won't show it to anyone).

It will get approved at next meeting, you'll see.