Thursday, October 04, 2007

Small Error or Intent to Comitt Demo of Private Property?

You may have seen a crime underway and not noticed it.

Fence posts that would have included Jo Stringfields Property were being put in on her property.

UPDATE: Well, I have been informed, it was a Person working with a CITY WORK ORDER. I have not yet been informed of yet WHO WAS THE EMPLOYER. Turns out the City is trying to Prohibit "Illegal Dumping" but the Dumping is from Construction / Developers. When was this put on the City Council Agenda? Perhaps if it were the Dumpers would have been Identified for the City Officials to then hold them to a Clean UP and Fence if needed, not the Citizens of GT.

Did you notice that the Errant Worker was using the water from Jo's House? Is this Theft of Utilities. Was there an Arrest that went along with Trespass Violation. Jo's Land is clearly posted no Trespassing, and Jacobsen should assume that means him, his agents and any of his contractors and employees, and CITY EMPLOYEES

Perhaps this "Mistake" was just a prelude to the house being accidentally bulldozed while Jo was at work. Should she have to worry that one day she comes home to an empty field, and a note that says, sorry... Whoops.

No doubt that note would be in both Spanish and English. No Doubt the City Offices would be closed on that day... so no one could be held responsible.. Say any Friday after a Council Meeting.

It is time the City Planning Department, and the City Building Inspector make sure that all contractors know what they are doing where, and are licensed to do business in Grand Terrace and have sufficient insurance to cover their errors.

It may be time for Doug Jacobsen or the CITY OF GT to pay a fine for harassment, equal to the cost of one full time security guard 24/7 to protect the property, and safety of Jo's Land. Of course she would be able to hire the person directly. Doug and TOM only paying a lump sum into an escrow account for the purpose of securing the Property NOT OWNED by them.

You would think that the "Good Neighbor" that Doug Jacobsen said he wanted to be would make sure his employees and contractors would NOT Trespass on Jo Stringfield's Property, or use her Utilities. You would think that the City would be on BEST CAUTION any where near the property.

But, these are the "Good Neighbors" who has not held a real public meeting after getting an Exclusive Agreement, with the City Council and City Manager. This is the Same "Good Neighbors" who collaborated with the RDA/City Threats to use Eminent Domain to take possession of Private Property for Private Development. This is the "Good Neighbors" who wants to expand the Junk Food, Booze Outlets in our community as a "Good Thing For the Community", now that a Daylabor Camp/Lowes has been rejected by the community and the tenacity of Jo Stringfield who wants to enjoy the full use and value of her property as she deems fit.

Perhaps we should all go to the City Council Member's and City Employee's Homes and Put up a Fence, and use their Water.

It is time they respect peoples property rights, and keep off it and out of our personal use of personal property.