Friday, February 08, 2008

Code Enforcement:

Code Enforcement Officer was featured in the PE today.

In an increased effort to drive housing prices out of the reach of people who work in Grand Terrace the City has rental code inspection program.

Most of the infractions deal with non-health and safety issues. To let the Government take control of the "Aesthetics" is more intrusion than a Free People should welcome.

To let the Government have the attitude, there are "More Out There"... like Steve Berry is hunting down a criminal. Mr. Berry should look for drug dealers not chipping paint.

Here is the deal folks. The City Government will if you let them, decide what kind of grass, plants, and color of your paint. Yet, they can't figure out that our citizens are struggling with keeping up with the other costs. $400.00 for trimming trees, or 1000.00 to repaint a house may be more than some of our citizens, can afford. EVEN a Landlord.

IF a home is safe, and yes rentals should have Fire Alarms.... the tenant should call if there is a problem, or move. The FREE MARKET should REGULATE THE QUALITY of RENTAL HOUSING... OR DO WE LIVE IN RUSSIA?