Sunday, February 10, 2008

GT Child Care Walk-a-Thon.. Good or Bad?


I have watched the children at the prior Walk-a-Thon, and have had some missgivings about the event. I wonder if others get the same gut responce. (See PE Article)

1) If the Child Care Center needs money, should the Kids be the ones "Earning It" You could not hire these children to do "Work".

2) Should the folks paying to see children "Walked" just pony up the money the center needs?

3) Should the children be taught, you raise money to have a party for your self and call it a "Fund Raiser" or Charity. Perhaps if the funds earned went to a Day Care in Mexico a Sister School I could get over this one.

4) Showing GT Children over and over on Ch 3 being pushed for one more lap, for one more bit of coin is not verry "Attractive" on many levels.

5) If the children would not do this activity in their normal Play Activity than it is perhaps time to retire the Fund Raiser, and just have those who contribute poney up without the torment and bribe. Physical activity like folk dancing, can be fun there isn't alot of "Fun" being had by walking around and around and around...

6) If we must hire our little children to do something. How about having them pick up trash along side the road... say at 1.00 a bag.. Then their work will have been productive, and they will have justified the earning of their party.