Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mirror Mirror on the Wall ...........

In Reviewing the GT City Survey I find the following:

The Questions were written to support or obtain a desired outcome.

The conclusions drawn are done so on flawed statistics. A margin of Error that large on a small sampling should cause the consumer of the information to be concerned with the validity.

The Income Level Representation is not representative of the Population Base.

No testing of respondents’ knowledge of subject prior to questions other than park and libarary questions.

If asked to name a Retail Store.... you would come up with Lowes, Target, and Trader Joe’s. after having read these names suggested by the City Manager, Blue Mt. Outlook, and Doug Jacobsen... not to mention these are recognizable chains.

Drugs and Traffic are key concerns. The frequency of these concerns raises above the margin of error to be significant. However, all other responses that are close to the margin of error may be that the respondent just wanted to finish the question and picked something.

The development questions should suggest that more retail is not a high priority to the majority.... regardless of the shop or store selected. THIS should be the warning to any business moving into Grand Terrace, and the survey should not be used as a Selling Point for a Lowes, or Target. Note, one respondent said they would want a CVS store... We have one; it is struggling to stay open...

Perhaps someone could ask the District Attorney if the Poll Information including Voter Information is a Political Act by the City and the funds spent on Political Activity like this should be paid for by the Campaign Funds of the City Council and not the Citizens of Grand Terrace. Perhaps each of the council Members should have to repay the city 2,000.00 each for providing them this information.

When the pool of respondents base their comments on information gleaned from the GT Chamber of Commerce’s Blue Mt. Outlook, a GT City Taxpayer Supported Media, which is designed with the intent on “Promoting Grand Terrace in the Best Light” the survey pool indicates they are providing a reply on a base of limited information and perhaps interest in the subject. Few have visited the Citys’ Limited Web Page, looked at a budget, or watched a City Council Meeting. Few have sufficient knowledge base on the topics they were requested to comment on.

The Council has paid for some one to wash their mirror so they can see the image they want to pretend to present to the community reflected back at them.