Monday, February 25, 2008

The Flawed Survey Results are in...

It Costs $16,000, to give the City Council "feel good" pat on the back for city staff & city council performance. ( Lets remember the 2000.00 plus that a Council Member got to go for a 2 day trip to Washington DC to attend a Pack Meeting that will feature proponents of the use of Eminent Domain for Economic Development.

But otherwise, there is nothing to show for that money. Buried at the bottom of course is that council/RDA will not be able to go against the will of the people and use ED for retail development to get cheap land, which of course they wished that they could do!

They don't get it yet that people can be for a Lowe's and that it's the LOCATION of the building, not the retailer itself that is a problem. This is a problem the city could fix by using ZONING to establish development areas instead of individual RDA project exceptions.

OH, but then there would be no "influence" to sell would there? There would be no letters sent on City Letterhead saying Negotiate with our Desired Developer or we "May Start Eminent Domain Action".

Remember none of the questions on the City Council were qualified by even a simple question, of name 3 of the 5 Council Members. Have you attended or watched a City Council Meeting.

The questions were as hollow as an Easter Chocolate Bunny.

To have 40 percent against the Senior Center and 30 percent against the High School indicate those people have actually taken the initiative to be informed and formed an opinion on the subject. Including the AES / HS#3 conflict, the Traffic Problems, and the RDA Debt that complicate the issues that were over simplified in the survey.

To get a warm feeling over the results of this survey is just yet another example of the City Council and City Management's ability to play rope a dope with information and the press.