Tuesday, February 20, 2007

From the Email InBox: Thoughts on Blue Mt. Wilderness Park

Dear Gramps:

I have trying to follow the progress of the development of the Blue Mt. Wilderness Perk Idea. As Glen Beck would say, Here is What I know.

I know that the City of Grand Terrace is complaintive of the costs of operating its currents parks in the limited way it currently does, and that the Pico Park has been provided to the High School/School District. Pocket Parks are no more than wide parking strips, or eye candy, yet the City will spend 100,000.00 on a Pocket Park. The City Will not Fund Youth Recreation, or pay for the use of lights in the park for games and practice for youth sports... No there is not enough in the budget for that.

So... What I Know is the City does not have the funds to manage a Wilderness Park on Blue Mt.. The City does not have the funds for a park development. Nor does the city have the means or structure to Police a park of the size of Blue Mt.

What I know is this. It would be better from the start if the Blue Mt. Wilderness was added to Box Springs Wilderness and it is administered/ managed under the same management. Leave the City out of the Management and Development of the Wilderness Area in Particular. IF the City wants to develop the bit of land it has purchased at the base of the Mt. as a City Park with trail heads into the Wilderness FINE.

What I know is this. Mr. Kidd's Avocado Grove could be developed into a working Picnic/Public/ Grove with him as the Docent for the rest of his life or until he decides to retire. The, Grand Terrace City Land at the base of the Mt. should also be put into trees to act as a buffer for mud slides, and rocks bouncing down hill. The 4H should have a barn for sheep and goats that could graze, (NOT OVER GRAZE) the Mt. and provide an educational experience. Perhaps a Bio Gas Generation Station that would provide Natural Gas for Out Door Ovens for ?? A place for outdoor receptions and weddings, or band concerts in the grove?

How about a few chicken tractors in the grove to keep the bugs and weeds down. (What is a chicken tractor... goggle it... it is also a great 4H Project).

What I know, Mr. Kidd. Your goal to have a park is a great gift to GT. What I know, Mr. Kidd is that if the City was truly supporting your efforts they would make way that your current 100 acres of land could be designated as a Park, under your supervision, and for a specific use, and with you as a Docent. They will have to adjust the Code and zoning of your land... You will need to have a great Foundation and contract... to insure you get to stay in your house as long as you want with some level of privacy and Respect afforded you.

Mr. Kidd the idea of having a remnant of agriculture exist as a park and / working grove is a fantastic idea. To use it to buffer the Wilderness area of Blue Mt. is also a terrific idea. There is no reason to not start the transition of the use of the "Kidd Grove" portion of the plan. The City if it desired could advise you on how to set up the Foundation, and ease the zoning limitations and assist you in making the conversion from private agricultural land use, to a NPO Park open to the Public, managed by the Foundation not the City.

IF the 4H kids and parents are included in your plan, you will be training our youth to be good caretakers of the park, good users of the grove and wilderness areas. The public will have to be trained to take on the responsibility to police and protect the gift you plan on making. EVEN if the children grow up and leave GT, they will have learned to care for the land and public places in a way not available to them now.

Many of us have used the Mt. as a place to hike, leaving behind only the marks of a walking stick and foot prints. Other's leave trash, human waist, and graffiti. With more trails, and parking and increased use without increased public education, and public support for protection of the facilities Blue Mt. Wilderness may become like Mojave Preserve, a great big Off Road Vehicle Abuse Environment with out sufficient management, and the people who cared about the environment the ATV's and 4wd Vehicles have damaged the area 100000000 times faster than the cows, and few resident cowboys did in the 100 years prior to the "Preserve".

Good Luck Mr. Kidd with a Great Gift to the Citizens of Grand Terrace, Colton and Riverside. I hope you can start small and as you build or add to the "Park/Wilderness" your plan is to include the Boy Scouts, 4H and FFA as these groups are like the Wild Animals finding the local environment hostile to their interests, and need for a place in our community.

Could you include a transition or inclusion of the plants that would have been here 200 years ago. California Walnut. Oak, and grasses that would be native? Oat Hay, and Tumble Weeds aren't Natives, even if it is what we remember as children, there was something here prior to Oat Hay, Tumble Weeds, Peach, Citrus, Walnut Groves Planted by Farmers. How about a restoration of some of those plants as being part of the plan. Perhaps a ring of Avocado/Citrus or Fruit Groves, then California Walnut, and Oak, then some of the non Irrigation Natives as you go up hill.

Good luck with your great intentions. I hope the government agencies that you will have to interact with will support your efforts, and not impede your efforts.