Thursday, November 15, 2007

From the Email InBox: Thankful in GT

Dear Gramps Please Post:

Thankful In Grand Terrace:

Thankful that Citizens and the Castle Coalition Supported the Rights of an Individual Home Owner.

Thankful for Judge Wade who is the Citizens Last Hope to have a Reasonable Approach to Development Implementation in Grand Terrace when RDA Funds and Land are Used.

Thankful for the Citizen Participation and Support of Family Centric Activities in Grand Terrace, the Halloween Haunt, Woman’s Club Hamburger Cook Out, the Lion’s and Fire House Pancake Breakfasts, Tree Planting, Flower Planting, Dumpster Day, Soccer, Basket Ball, Flag Foot Ball, Base Ball and Soft Ball and T-Ball teams, the Library, Adult Art and Craft Show, Summer Concert, Taste of the Terrace, City Birthday Party, Bingo at the Lion’s Club, and Senior Center.

The community will participate and become more of a community if the City Management conducted itself in a way to foster community input and participation. It was sad that not one member of the community participated in the Public Comments or Agenda Items of the last City Council Meeting except for the recipients of recognition and introductions. It is not fair to burden the City Council with the expectation that they are omnipotent. Public participation is necessary to support the Freedoms we hold dear.

For those who keep informed of City Activity and Post to this blog to keep the rest of us informed and activated… THANKS.

Thanks to all those who serve in the Military, and Protection Services. Thanks for all workers who earn less than 40.000.00 per year and struggle to live under the burden of ever increasing housing prices, transportation costs, and now food bills that are going up too.

Thanks to Teachers who teach and care for our children, Nurses who care for our elders, and the Clerk who stacks the cans of beans on the shelf at the store.

There are good people all around us…

Be Thankful for that.

Show you are thankful by an action of service to another and you won’t need a big turkey dinner to make you feel good.