Thursday, November 08, 2007

Local and National Economics:

The Great Depression was caused by:
Financial Speculation

We have
Financial Speculation (Housing Market)

The Solution:

Rather than setting the mass of Humanity out on their ears in this Economy and Society we need to have a rapid and clean stroke of Economic Justice to clean up the mess we are in.

Here are some basic fixes that balance justice and impact.

The Banks and Financial Institutions have profited from the Housing Market Inflation, and the Interest Payments.

Justice: Cut All Debts on Housing by a Devaluation of the Outstanding Loans by 30 Percent, and the Banks eat the Loss. Leaving the Home Owners in a home that they now can pay for at a refinanced calculation.

Provide Incentives for Production and Local Employment. Businesses where 90 Percent of employees live in a 10 mile proximity of the point of employment shall receive preference for government contracts.

Justice: (Employer's may build affordable housing for their employees, and housing can be part of employment compensation.)

Require All Businesses document an Employees right to work BEFORE they are able to have a business license. Update Information Annually.

In Grand Terrace, on a Local Level, all businesses should have a GT Business License Sticker or Placard on or in, all Vehicles doing business in GT. Lawn Services, Casual Labor, and other businesses coming through town don't pay taxes or get permits to work. They also don't employ local labor.

Justice: Employment becomes available as the demand for goods and services will remain for LOCAL Labor to fill the need. Some jobs like delivering papers, mowing the lawn, washing windows, can be done by youth entrepreneurs.

It is time for OUT of the BOX Radical Solutions to Economics and Social Issues we see on the Horizon. Local Governments can lead in small steps. National and State Government action is also needed.

Promote the use of the Land and Resources you have.

Plant Fruit Trees, Allow Each Home a Small group of (2 to 6) Chickens for Food, Perhaps even a GOAT.. Encourage the practice of canning, and crop sharing.

Being Frugal with time and resources allows you to do more with less.

It is time we look at Sustainability, Permaculture, and what we can do right here in Grand Terrace rather than looking outward for Retail Imports of Deadly Products imported from China, or food trucked in on freeways that are subject to closures.

What would have happened in California if the majority of the Fire Evacuees could not return home in a week or two? Are we ready?