Friday, February 10, 2006

Grand Terrace and CJUSD The Show To Come

How is it the water Pipe was not a known feature dealt with prior to closing of the Escrow? Did not the Seller (City of Grand Terrace) make a full and complete disclosure to the CJUSD? Did not the School District do its proper due diligence on the research of the property. A 36" Water PIPE is not difficult to find.

Now in addition to the traffic the Citizens of Grand Terrace are going to help pay for the City of Riverside, to move a Water Pipe so the CJUSD can build the school. Shell Game any one?

Citizens of Grand Terrace and the Grand Terrace RDA will have to find the funds to do this. Is this a legitimate use of RDA funds? Not that we have any indication that it Matters how RDA funds are spent in GT. That is $1.02 MIL Folks. $ 1,020,000.00 is a chuck of change. It may be ok to use the money that was "Earned" by selling the property, however, it may be required that the RDA manage that money for Low and Modererate Income housing, and not the moving of a water pipe. THERE are believe it or not laws and regulations on how RDA funds are spent. Income from a sale of property is or should not be considered General Funds Money, or even RDA funds without designated uses.

Perhaps the expence sharing formula should be based on who will populate the school. GT has about 700 HS Students. That is a bit less than a third of the 2500 students planned for. Don't we already pay taxes for the school district? Now we are going to pay to move a pipe? How about, not building on the existing pipe... design around that feature..

The school district still needs to acquire all parcels for the project, get clearance from the Department of Toxic Substances Control and obtain the California Department of Education site and plan approval. The City of Grand Terrace is moving the water pipe. What IF the school can't be placed there, then what?

How are the Citizens of Grand Terrace going to fund the expense of an additional sheriff, or Colton PD Officer.. OH that is what is meant by a "RESOURCE OFFICER". Will this be sufficient coverage on Football Nights? Perhaps part of the design will have a holding cell so people arrested can be picked up by a paddy wagon, instead of taking them in one at a time and leaving the community at risk during the booking of arrested individuals.

Where on earth will the people Park? Is there going to be a parking structure that we have not seen the plans for yet. Or will the streets and neighborhoods be widened to serve as parking facilities, for the daily 2500 students, teachers and on football night parents and fans? No Traffic Plan was sufficiently discussed.

Toxic Report Still Pending: All this can still be moot if the land is Toxic. Is that a possibility. A portion of the land was once was identified by our own City Manager as chemically Dirty Industrial Property, as being the justification for the RDA to purchase and "Redevelope the Property" as no one else would be able to do the required Clean Up.

Has the Peaker Power Plant across the street been aborted?

Yes we need a High School. But, once again there seems to be reason to question the integrity of the process and the individuals governing that same process. What is not in question is that the Citizens of Grand Terrace are being ill served by those governing our community.