Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Water Board and City Council Plan Private Club and OFFICE

Here is what the Riv.-Highland water Company is putting in next to Laura Austins home on. This land was purchased after public statements made by the Water Company that their interest in the property was to secure a pumping station, and to put a facade house on top of the mechanacal aperatus of the pumps.

Now that seamingly small building with minimal impact on residential housing in a traditionaly residential/ ranch GT Citizens/ Water Company Share Holders are to Pay for Private Water Company Employee and Friends Club Facility.

Your Water Bills are going to be used to pay for an extravagant water company office that looks like a House/ in a Residential Area. This “House” is going to contain office space/ a Conference Room and a Weight Training Room for Employees.

This is a water company which we all collectively own. Now will we all be invited to share in the use of the facilities. Will the facilities be used for after school mentoring? The weight room open to all share holders as well as the employees and board members?

Who are the Board Members… Well they include former Mayor Tony Petta, Former Council Member Larkin, and the HUSBAND of the Current Mayor.

This incestuous relationship between the Water Company, and the Grand Terrace City Government should allow for added reasonable scrutiny by the public and share holders of both entities so that the use of funds is in fact done for the public good, and in accordance or in complement to the area where the new offices are placed.

At the Council Meeting Months Back the Water Company said they were just going to put a house as a Cover for a Pumping Station. No one would be able to tell the difference. With Offices, and Meetings, and a Weight room and the Employees and Water Company Trucks visiting, and using the property won’t this be a significant change from the verbal plan of use? This “New Plan” is in conflict with those statements and with the zoning of the area around the “Conversion”/ or Plan.

Your Water Company, Your Water Bill will be paying for this extravagance, which will serve a few select “Privileged” Individuals, not the PUBLIC, or the Neighbors of the Community where it will be placed.

This is an early assessment of this plan. Be Alert. Be Alert. This smells like bad water on many levels. The orriginal land purchase by the RDA, and the "Public Statements made by the Water Company". Failure to consider other resident's concerns regarding the Commercialization of Ranch Land.

Perhaps this is a better location for a Youth Center. Atleast OUR Water Company should benefit US not just the Board Members, and Employees.

Drip Drip Drip... I hear your money running like water.