Monday, February 27, 2006


I am incensed by the manipulation Jo has to endure. Our City staff know Jo and her husband personally. After much discussion at the City Council Meeting, everyone is aware of the insensitivity that she has been treated with. It was noted that she was never invited to get her own appraisal or to participate in the negotiations. All she seems to get are these threatening letters.

City Council has the responsibility to "order" not suggest that staff be more forthright. They need to set a series of steps that staff need to accomplish. Judging by Mr Schwab's answers to their questions, he doesn't understand what Council is asking. They have the power to put an end to this kind of treatment.

I have gone on several websites to see how many lawsuits there are regarding Eminent Domain and Redevelopment Agencies that are controlled by developers. It is an epidemic. It is an undercurrent of silent takeovers. It is apparent to me that our City Council knows very little about what Jacobsen and Mr. Schwab have in mind.

The citizens of Grand Terrace have repeatedly asked that records be a matter of public record, which by law they are. It is time to become active and stop developers and attorneys. By down loading and signing the petitions circulating. Log onto this site and download this petition

However, they really do have the cart before the horse. Why have homeowners been kicked off their properties by manipulation and threats? There really isn't a specific plan? Why do they promise the public and oasis of serine walking area lined by shops and restaurants, then try to force big box stores like Lows onto us? Because the developer, Jacobsen, is running the show. We need to get a local developer, who has their heart in Grand Terrace, to be a part of this project.

Whatever happened to the OAC? They have finally worked out the water problem and now the 8 acre lake and falls are completely gone. It seems that those deals are negotiated among staff and they will let City Council know.

Why is the trucking company allowed to expand by building metal buildings, which were never approved by City Council or the Planning Department?

It is my belief that the Citizens of Grand Terrace should be employed as Staff in Grand Terrace. Grand Terrace has a heart beat that no other town seems to have. Citizens actually know and care about each other. They care about other peoples children and their future. We are already overrun by traffic driving through trying to get somewhere else. I can understand Staff's point of view of capitalizing on this traffic, but it isn't what we homeowner's want. It is hard enough to get to work in the morning and when the high school, condos and OAC are finished it will be unbearable. Let's not forget the air and noise pollution, which is already at an unhealthy level.