Monday, February 27, 2006


This is the city getting it's ducks in a row and in effect telling us the decision has already been made to favor Jacobsen. The T/C has not even been to Planning yet. This letter to Jo should be considered premature. Jacobsen is only up to his 43 rd. plan. There must be dozens more.

The city plans for a joint Planning, RDA/City Council meeting next month. The only topic will be public input on the T/C. As if anyone believes that the council will consider any other opinion than Jocobsen's and Schwabs.

History bares witness to this. The OAC and a petition with four hundred signatures against it, the residents opposed to the Senior Housing project and the flood of citizens opposed to the T/C and the threat of eminent domain.

Every project the citizens are against and say so will fall on deaf ears at City Hall. All we need is a ring master, a trick pony and a dancing dog and the show is complete.