Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Gone to the Dogs

The idea of a Dog Park in Grand Terrace warms the hart. Some old timers remember the days when dogs, and a horse, pig or cow would venture into the yards of Grand Terrace. Neighborly effort was made to return lost or lose animals to their owners.

The Design Codes will most likely stop this great idea from happening. First there will be the fence requirement. The fence will most likely have to be similar to the other high cost fencing at the parks and entry's. There will be the need for curbs, and paved parking areas as we all know we can't officially park on the dirt in Grand Terrace. Lighting, trees, and the proper grass will all be stipulated by the thick code book. Costly supervision of waste deposit, removal, and dumping will cause the city to tax the use of the park, potential pooper tax no doubt. Oh and those people, will need their own water and restroom facilities.

On the serious side, is there a place or way to have a park that is multi functional that is good for dogs, people and perhaps music and evening barbecues or picnics. Is there a way to border the park with orange or walnut trees so that we don't lose all ties to the agricultural history of our community? Is there a way to provide the 4h'ers an animal barn or pen area for goats, sheep, free range chickens or quail? These animals could be used to trim the weeds on old Blue Mt., and along the other areas where weeds turn to dusty plowed fields.

Could this be done I think so. If the city would exercise a flexibility and openness to design and opportunities locally.

We can dream can't we.?