Saturday, December 16, 2006

Audit Report and Commentary

IF the CITY of GRAND TERRACE wanted AN INFORMED COUNCIL and CITIZENS they would make this information available on THE GT WEB SITE. IF a BLOG can post it, they could with much less effort.

The Grand Terrace City Council voted Thursday night December 14th, 2006 on The Annual Report To The Legislative Body from Tom Schwab, Executive Director Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency. This report is posted below.the first and second and 14th pages contain apparent false information and troubling information. The underlined include that no elderly were displaced for an RDA project. The trailer park was full of elderly and one who refused to move. The folks on Barton Road were told to deal with Jacobsen of face eminent domain. The section maintenance for Repair of Affordable Housing. The addresses listed are vacant lots. All but the Mirado location are known vacant lots. Page 14 states Rental Income $0 and Sale of Real Estate $0. We know this is also not factual.

ABOVE Audit Report Posted in this space. And a Short Commentary.

GT ORD: Related to Development:

Ord.142 gives all the reasons the grading is in violation of the law. There can be no work or permits issued until the sewer and drainage permits are issued.

Ord. 142 allows for criminal and civil penalties, including jail time for violations.

IF you have concerns about the content of the Audit Report, you may want to contact your State Government as that is who is the regulator of the funds and to whom the Report is Addressed.